Monday 12 October 2015

The Leppard Long Weekend

It started with Viva Hysteria! on Friday. Ter got the DVD for her birthday and waited a whole week for the viewing—the Leppards live in Las Vegas, playing their classic album in track order from Women to Love and Affection. Cool show. Had no idea it had been filmed.

One of the bonus features is the opening set they played as Ded Flatbirds—“the best Def Leppard cover band in the world”—and in that set was a song called Undefeated, one of three original tracks recorded for the live album, Mirrorball, in 2011.

I swear, if ever a song was written for Lucius, Undefeated is it.

So, next day, Mirrorball goes onto the car stereo for our sojourn to lunch with my folks. We switch to Yeah! for the drive home, and somewhere on the road, Ter observes that it’s been a Leppard long weekend.

It’s supposed to be a Thanksgiving long weekend.

But hey, I’m thankful for the Leps. Without them, and the King in particular, there would be no Lucius. My legendary hero would not exist, or if he did, it would be in someone else’s world.

I’m so glad that he chose to exist in mine. He takes up a lot of room and burns a lot of energy, but I’m glad of that too, because I’ve been reminded yet again that “it’s about Lucius”. Fixed Fire is the story of a family, and volume seven is Reijo’s romance, but no matter where in the series or who the protagonist, there he is, commandeering the spotlight, the great Golden Savage, Mr. Undefeated himself.

I have lots for which I am grateful. On a daily basis, I have a rotating Top Five, but if where you focus becomes your reality, then right now a rock singer from Sheffield figures high on the list.

Happy Thanksgiving.

With love,


  1. Yes, play it LOUD one last time before the new neighbours move in downstairs. LOL! Honestly, I have had a few "lost years", sadly, where the Leps were not on the radar. That's okay, he's come back in a big way in the last few months. I'm okay with it. This was a GREAT DVD, loved it. Where did you find this picture of our Booty Rueben aka Mr. Ellliott?? Yes, he's right, the best Def Leppard cover band in the world would be, well, Def Leppard!

    1. I searched Google for images of "Ded Flatbird" and this one jumped out at me. It seemed appropriate for the theme of the day. :)

      Truly, I have too much to list if I want to get into what I'm thankful for, so I chose this as a "right here, right now" example of gratitude in the moment. I'm REALLY thankful that he and the band dropped back onto our radar. I don't realize how influential my rock stars are to my writing.

  2. Grateful for you both, in leaps and bounds, even more grateful for you than you are for the Leps! That's saying something!

    I look forward to hearing their new record. xo

    1. Beanie, should that not have been "Leps and bounds"? Bwahahahahaha!

      We love you, too :)
