Friday 30 October 2015

The Importance of Tea XII


1000 grams!
My tea fairy, Treena, gave me a sample of Davidson’s Organic Spiced Peach for my birthday. It’s one of the best peachy teas ever, and I promptly wondered if we can get it online?

Fast forward a few weeks. Treena emails to advise that she’s aiming for free shipping on something and a pound of Spiced Peach will push her total past the eligible amount. Did I want to chip in for half?

Naturally, I agreed (it really is delicious).

David’s “Tea of the Month” is Ginger Beer – a herbal infusion that demanded I stock two hundred grams pronto, which of course I did. At the same time, I topped up my tin of Mumbai Chai from Blenz. All that remains is to purloin a package of Murchie’s seasonal Snowflake, and I’m all set for winter sipping.

Once the Spiced Peach arrived, I happily informed Treena that my cupboard is stuffed to the gunwales and no new tea purchases will be made for the rest of the calendar year. She gave me the knowing sidelong look and said something about, “Yeah, until the Christmas flavours come out.”

I remain steadfast in my resolve. Murchie’s Snowflake won’t be out for another few weeks, but once I’ve bought my stash of that, I mean it, I’m done. After all, I have half a pound of Spiced Peach to plough through; do I need more tea???


My other tea buddy, Julie, roped me into visiting David’s so she could try their Chai and Mighty. I was happy to tag along, with absolutely no intention of buying anything beyond a cup to go. I bypassed the Halloween display and went straight for the counter. Julie, however, paused to peruse the merchandise. I’m chatting with the counter staff when she cries, “Ruthie! Stormy Night is back!”

I pivot so fast that my ears buzz. “What?”

“Oh, yeah,” says the store manager, “it’s back for Halloween, but only in the tombstone packaging. What you see there is all we have.”

Stormy Night is one of my favourites; I pitched a fit when they discontinued it and proceeded now to rant a reminder of my displeasure before I snatched up a tombstone. “Now you have one less,” I declared. “Chocolate Macaroon, by the way, is a poor replacement.”

I can order fifty grams of Stormy Night from their website for $8.50. Fifty grams in a cardboard tombstone cost me twice that much in store. And I didn’t care. I bought it anyway.

Now that’s scary.

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