Monday 12 October 2015

Off to a Boring Start

According to my newly downloaded Flyers app, my hockey team has a 0-1-1 record for the start of the 2015-16 season.

This is what I get for joking with an Oilers fan that everyone is in the playoffs except for the Maple Leafs.

I’m used to it now. Philly has been slow out of the gate for years, but when I see that Florida mopped the ice with them in a 7 – 1 loss on Saturday, I want to weep.

Unless the Panthers’ Aaron Ekblad racked up five points. I have him in the hockey pool, where Ruthie’s Renegades were, at last viewing, in first place.

Claude Giroux has yet to give me a point.

They got the loser point in Tampa Bay on opening night. The Bolts won in a shootout.


As I say, I’m used to a slow start. They’re rebuilding. They’ll gain momentum as the season progresses. They just have to gain it faster than they did last year if they hope to make the playoffs.

I know, I know. It’s too early to talk playoffs. Why do I get ahead of myself? It’s not Zen at all … but then, nothing wrecks my Buddhist-babe mentality like hockey season. Something strange happens over the winter. I become a member of the Roman mob. I want to kill. I want to die. Oh, the drama! My identity is attached to my team’s win/loss record. I get small. Mean. Nasty. Fetal. I spike my buttered rum tea with Captain Morgan. I revert to superstitious behaviour, like wearing my orange jersey for home games and my white jersey for away games, as if anything I do really matters to the outcome.

This is fun?

Well, yeah. Hell, yeah!

(Ed note: the boys won their home opener against Florida 1 - 0 on Monday night. Yay! Now we're 1-1-1!)

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