Tuesday 15 December 2015

“A Little Christmas”

Psst! Hey, there! Down here! Don’t look around; I’m speaking to you. That’s right, hello-ho-ho!
I know, you don’t believe what you’re seeing. I bet you thought I’d be taller. Not so, I’m afraid. My reputation has created a larger-than-life image, but it’s only proof that great deeds can be done by folk of any size … and sometimes smaller is better. How else could I manage to get down a chimney?
That’s neither here nor there, however. I stopped you for a reason. I saw you coming, but you would have bustled straight past me, never noticing my scarlet coat against the weathered wood of this fence. Do you even know where you are? You look like a tapestry on the verge on unravelling. Believe me, I know what the holidays can do to a person. Fitting Christmas (or whatever you choose to call it; I’m not particular) into the work/life balance is a challenge, but don’t worry. You’ll get it done. You always do. There’s plenty of time yet, all the time you need.
Stop watching the calendar. Consult your list. I know you have one, too. Trust me, there’s nothing more gratifying than crossing things off of it. And while you’re rushing around doing for everyone else, take a minute to do something for yourself. Even a little thing will help, like pausing for a steamed eggnog in one of those non-denominational red cups. The colour is so cheerful, who needs a symbol to rune the effect? Get it? “Symbol”? “Rune the effect”? Ho, ho, ho! I kill myself …
What you’re doing for others is enough, my dear. More than enough, in some cases. No need to bankrupt yourself in a show of affection. Love has no price tag. It has no anniversary, either, despite what the diamond merchants insist. Besides, I’ve watched you. Oh, yes, I’m watching every day, all year. I make no snap judgments on the naughty-or-nice matter, it takes a lifestyle to earn a visit from this jolly old elf. (I’ve never actually enforced the “no gifts for naughty” policy, by the way. The definition is too subjective.) My point is that you love your people every day, and you show them so by being your kind, compassionate, generous self. My work is so much easier thanks to folk like you, so be of good cheer, my dear. You are not alone. You are loved. Most importantly of all, you are worth loving, and you needn’t spend a fortune or wear yourself out to prove it.
On your way, now.
Merry Christmas.


  1. This is magical and beautiful. It mirrors by belief in the true meaning of this joyous holiday. I read it aloud and I smiled for every single word. This should be illustrated and published!

    1. I swear, it happened exactly like this. I pass this fence every day, and on one of the dandier days of pre-holiday hell, I noticed Santa's little red butt poking out between the slats. I HAD to take a picture, and the post was born.

      Perhaps not so strangely, now that it's been written, he's disappeared ...

  2. Thanks Sissy...I often feel unappreciated (within my very immediate family, as you know) even though it can't be true...but I needed to hear this right now, a week before Christmas feeling like I've run out of time, and $$.
    I love you!!!!

    1. Oh, I know you love me, wee 'un. It's in every little mincemeat tart - and every moment we spend together.

      I love you, too.
