Wednesday 30 December 2015

Bibliography X

“Nevermore (a Cal Leandros novel)” – Rob Thurman

How the &$^%#* did I not know about this book? Imagine my surprise—and Ter’s unbridled glee—when I peeled the paper from a book-shaped Christmas prezzie and spied Cal Leandros on the cover!

I think I screamed.

One of the questions in a getting-to-know-you survey for a work conference last November was Which character from your favourite book would you like to meet? I chickened out and picked Louis de Pointe du Lac. Cal is so scary that I picked a vampire instead of him.

Yes, I love him. I think he’s f***ing awesome … but do I want to meet him?

Hell, no.

What really messed me up was how Ter knew that this, the tenth in the series, had been released and I didn’t. “Easy,” she replied. “I got an email from amazon.”

Oh, right. I haven’t purchased a Cal novel online for years. The last was Blackout, which put me on amazon’s reminder list, but when they advised me that Doubletake was due, I went to Munro’s Books and had them order my copy. I did the same with Slashback the following year. I got the nudge about Downfall , but because it came out close to September, I bugged Ter into getting it for my birthday in stead of buying it myself. Three strikes, I’m out, and now she gets the notifications.

Am I disappointed?

Hell, no! It was the best stunner ever! She’s still so proud of herself that she snickers when she sees me buried in it (I read the prologue before breakfast on Christmas Day); again, it’s a breakneck run-for-your-life shoot-’em-up roller coaster ride with my half-human, half-monster hero at the wheel. I read these novels so fast that I have to read them again when I’m done, to catch the details. They are primarily entertainment, but I’ve learned a lot about writing urban fantasy from them, too. I have to admit, despite my love and respect for The Vampire Chronicles and A Song of Ice and Fire, I have a soft spot in my heart for incorrigible Cal that puts the ongoing trauma of his fight to survive so high on my list of favourites that he may very well be the champion.

He’s a guilty pleasure, for sure.


  1. Hee hee! Still gloating about this one. I so scored on that!

    1. Oh, yeah, BABE! At the halfway mark and still loving it!
