Monday 11 January 2016

Clean Slate

So, your day sucked? That’s okay.

Tomorrow is another day.

Oh, there may be wreckage from yesterday—relationships to be mended and mistakes to be corrected—but every day is a bright shiny fresh new start, a chance to do your best in every circumstance. Even if you’re the villain of the piece, it’s another opportunity to excel at your villainy. Give it your best shot.

Bear in mind, your best can vary from day to day. That’s okay, too.

And if all you intended yesterday was to avoid the sugar wagon, then today is another chance to do it.

Don’t beat yourself up. The past is past and cannot be changed. The future hasn’t happened yet, so don’t fret about it. Just for today, just for this moment, do the best you can. Honour your intention. Let anger/sadness/remorse pass, because it will, if you don’t hold onto it (and why would you?) Pay a compliment. Do a favour. Spare a minute for someone in need. Take yourself out for tea. Let a friend take you out for tea. Acknowledge gratitude for (insert name/object/circumstance here). Remember, U R loved.

Breathe—and pay attention to it. Inhaling is instinct. Exhaling is not.

You needn’t wait until morning to hit the reset button, either, though it’s okay if you’d rather; you can step from the shadows at any time, day—and here’s the miracle—or night. I agree, however, that it’s often easier to crash at the end of the day and tell Dr Bailey that “today really sucked.”

Tomorrow might go the same way.

But it might not.

Every day is a clean slate.

With love,


  1. Today super blew. No more Bowie. I can't breathe.

    1. I know, Beanie. Sad, sad day for music ... but on the other hand, he certainly did not die with his music still in him. That's his legacy and what we have to remind ourselves that he was here, he was brilliant, and he made a difference.

