Friday 22 January 2016


Well, it’s been interesting. Back to work with fresh resolve, and did I write a word worth reading since my last post?


Cleverly, I scheduled a four day workweek to ease myself back into the daily grind, and no matter how much I may enjoy my colleagues and parts of my job, it is most definitely a grind. I did, however, take a few minutes to draw a bunch of balloons on my 2016 bulletin board. Balloons appear to be a theme with me at present. They’re bright and cheerful – like ice cream and Duran Duran, they elicit an immediate smile. It’s hard to be crabby when I’m smiling.

Today is my day off, and I’m unsure precisely how to spend it. Reading? Writing? Colouring? All of the above? One thing is clear: after a few days in work mode, my creative self needs nurturing before it can create. It requires time, the way Blue Silver’s carburetor required time to warm up before I hit the road in winter.

Hey, good analogy, Ru!

So, the day will be spent quietly and probably in the Ocean Room, with tea, my books (colouring and otherwise) and the Downton Abbey soundtrack, until I have to leave for my chiro appointment this afternoon. If writing happens, I’ll go for it, but I’m not pushing the Muse. I’ll just let her know that I’m available and see if she wants to meet up sometime this weekend.

I was reminded of an important truth last week:

“The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.”

Thank the gods for Mr. Spock.

With love,


  1. I voted all of the above! With balloons!
    But wait, there's a Downton Abbey soundtrack!?
    I MUST investigate.

    I am hoping to get a bit of writing done this weekend by way of a writing exercise that was inspired by reading Patti Smith's latest effort. I've written scads of poems since then (drafts in the Teapot for now) but I need to return to that one particular exercise otherwise I will lose the steam. And I enjoyed the challenge of the first draft. But tonight, a visit with Michele. My old pal. I am sure will talk about writing and I cannot WAIT for that.

    Happy day off!
    Happy Friday!!

    1. Beanie, it's delightful to hear that you have scads of poems in development. It give me hope that my scads of similarly started short stories may one day see the light, but more importantly, it means that you're writing again! Judging from the pieces I've seen at the Teapot of late, you haven't lost your edge!

      It's a bit late for this, but hugs to Michele. I hope she's doing well and you guys had a blast.
