Thursday 7 January 2016

A Virtuous Life (Part II)

I no longer believe that I have a greater purpose beyond a) being happy and b) making others happy. Item b) isn’t actually my responsibility—it’s the individual’s—but if I can help to make someone’s day better, I’m game. Ever the fan of recipes with fewer than five ingredients, and thanks to Dr. Wayne Dyer, I was recently reminded of the four cardinal virtues as defined by Lao-tzu in the Tao Te Ching:

Reverence (Respect)

Sincerity (Honesty)

Gentleness (Kindness)

Supportiveness (Service)

I know; that looks like eight, but it’s not. The four virtues are so called because they originate with our divine natures, therefore it’s more natural for us to practice them in all their incarnations, i.e., “reverence” being interpreted as unconditional love and respect for ourselves, for each other, and for all living beings. You can include the planet in the last category, as the world and everything in it is made of energy on some vibrational level and is, therefore, alive.

You’ll note that patience is not listed, despite being hailed by established religions as one of the nobler virtues.

Well, maybe it’s there after all—filed under “Gentleness”. There may be four cardinal virtues, but like the four astrological elements, there are descending (or ascending?) variations of each. Secondary and tertiary virtues sprung from the original, if you will. Some have been decreed by religious dogma, but any quality that makes the world a kinder place is fine by me. The point being that, since the cardinal four actually come with us from beyond the veil, daily practice of same can and will enrich a person’s life as well as those whom that person encounters, and it doesn’t matter which god claims you.

This sounds simple, and it probably is. Humans do have a way of complicating things. Within the maelstrom that is daily life, simplicity is hard to come by.

That’s why it’s called “practice”. You may not get it right the first time. If you do, good luck sustaining it. But as long as you persevere, practice eventually becomes a way of life. Same goes if you choose to be a pin-headed rat bastard. Practice anything with regularity and you’ll achieve it. Even miserable sods have the power to increase their abundance. The Universe serves everyone.

Or tries to serve. I still get in my own way. I still grip the wheel with both hands and try to force my will on it. All I have to do is set the intention and step away from the helm, but can I do that???


Virgo = Control freak. For someone who has no limitations, I have given myself limitations.

Four little virtues. Respect, honesty, kindness and service.

Practice, practice, practice.

With love,


  1. This is SO amorian! This whole dang thing, and it put goosebumps all over me.

    However, I think I need to revisit the whole concept of having 'patience'. It used to be my greatest quality. Am I having a mid-life crisis?!

    1. Nope, you're just getting your priorities in order, lol. Besides, there's a difference between being patient and being tolerant. Tolerance is the thing I have less of these days.
