Friday, 2 September 2016

Fabulous 55

It’s my birthday!!!!!!!

I confess, I get a little wired on September 2 because Ter has been madly shopping and wrapping and planning for the occasion. No one is more grateful for me than she is, and while it feels weird to be celebrated just for existing, I appreciate her effort almost as much as I appreciate her just for existing.

It works two ways.

So, here I am at the almost-middle-age mark. No regrets, lots of memories, a happy Now, and excited about future episodes of “Two Girls and a Tiguan”. Life is, has been, and continues to be good to me. I am so very fortunate.

I have a great friend and soul sistah in my beloved Ter. Without her, I’d probably still be living in my parents’ basement instead of embracing a universe of potential and possibility.

I chose a kick-butt birth family spearheaded by wonderful parents who planned for me and gave me sibs whom I am always delighted to see whether days, months, or years have passed between sightings.

My friends are few and extremely precious. Writers, healers, humourists, and relatives (yes, sisters can be friends) all contribute to my creativity in ways they can’t imagine.

My colleagues are gold, to the point where my executive director worked to get me a salary increase rather than let me go when I was so unhappy last year. Though money was not a condition for me staying with the division, I’m grateful for the abundance nonetheless. There are still days when I don’t get paid enough, but in a world where a living wage is beyond many people’s reach, I recognize how spectacularly lucky I am.

My pit crew will get my compostable container to my intended 115th birthday; by then I think I’ll be done.

I have a new writing rig that happened when the old one spontaneously combusted. It’s taken a couple of days, but I think the new computer has renewed my passion for writing—proof of the wisdom not to get too attached to things.

Wherever I am, I have a comfortable home where I feel safe and loved at all times.

In short, I’m in better shape now than I was a year ago. Who says things only get worse? In my universe, they only get better!

With love and gratitude,


  1. You, my dear soul sister, are fabulous at every age. Something in the universe thought me worthy enough for my path to cross with yours. You have no idea how idea how grateful I am that our starry, creative matter melds the way it does. You both are two of the brightest lights in my sky and all goodness floats your way, direct from my old Bean heart.

    A very happy birthday to you. Enjoy every second. You are so loved.

  2. What a wonderful post. There are no words... Beautiful and from the heart. It's been such an honour to spend the better part of my life with you, I don't know where I would be without you. Having said that, onward and upward into our bright shiny future!!
