Tuesday 9 July 2013

Pour No Sugar on Me

I wrote not a word on the weekend. I slept a lot, though. Sugar fuzz. I indulged in such dietary naughtiness the day before my writing day that the best I could do on Sunday morning was lie on the sofa and listen to David Usher. I fell asleep to Bryan Ferry in the afternoon.

The day wasn’t a total waste, however. I learned something that I’ve always known but consistently deny in the face of immediate gratification: sugar is bad for creativity. I proved it to myself yet again because I started to pull out of the fog at lunchtime, then I downed a whole can of San Pellegrino grapefruit soda and promptly had to take a long nap. The pop wasn’t even that good – it tasted like I was drinking marmalade. Worse, it started me second-guessing about my writing. Stuck in a chemical funk, my will to create actually dissolved, so I let it go for the day in hope of a sunnier outlook when I finally emerged from the mire.

It took a full 24 hours. The socked-in sense lingered well into my Monday; it began to lift yesterday evening and this morning I woke up clear-headed and hopeful again. Feeling more like writer than a fraud and thank the gods for that turn of mind. I brought the Gatsby soundtrack to work, which is proving to be a horrible distraction but I will persist because I need the infusion to get me through the worst day of my week. I’m off on Friday, with no commitments beyond cramming three episodes of The Newsroom before season 2 premieres on Sunday, so I’ll be brewing more Gold Rush and seeing if I can make something of a story that, on the weekend, I feared was beyond my capability to write.

My mission until then is to steer clear of the white stuff.


  1. I've been working really hard this week to do healthy breakfast/lunch/supper and fruity snacks in between instead of munching crackers and/or chocolate on my commute home. I was getting in the habit of buying a Kit Kat (the chunky variety) and scarfing it before supper. Sugar makes me lethargic too and causes loss of focus. I hear you. I really do. The white stuff is the devil. But wine, I make an exception. Creativity doth flow with the grapes of the Gods.

  2. So..., do you think Will and Mackenzie will get together this season?

    Hi, Sweetie :-) Excellent blog!!

    1. *gasp* Bro!!! Oh, so glad to see you!! And I don't know about Will and Mac; I think the tension between them makes them more powerful as a news team, but they're both suffering on a personal level so maybe they should just admit defeat and go for it. We'll get a taste of it on Sunday, when season 2 premieres!
