Sunday 21 July 2013

100 Years B.P.

The Big Pink 2013

The house where we live is known as The Big Pink. It was built in 1913. Yesterday, the strata threw it a birthday party to which we – the Lone Renters – were invited, along with numerous friends of our four neighbours, and as many previous owners/tenants as the search crew could find.

It was a gas.

We didn’t stay long, however. The annual Moss Street Paint-In happened yesterday as well, and as it’s a perennial must-do event, we took a couple of hours to stroll up and down the street that practically backs onto the Pink property, checking out the artists and the crowds and the market at the corner, all in pristine sunshine and a festive state of Now.

Then we dropped into the party. The planning committee had researched the house’s history through the City Archives, and posted around the yard were pictures of the Pink and its neighbours as newly-constructed buildings, bits and blurbs of the City of Victoria throughout the last century, and we saw our own names added to the tenants’ list dating back to the 1920s and 30s.

Four suites for 80-plus years and five since the penthouse was put on in the late 1990s. All were rental units until 1995, when it was converted to condos – this loved and lovely old house has weathered a hundred west coast winters and the combined energy of its occupants over a full century.

If the Big Pink could talk, what would she say?

Be welcome. Be safe. Be at peace.

That’s what I felt on my first visit in July 2012. It turns out that the current residents are all kind and generous people and I have grown very fond of them, but back then, there was only the house to make an impression. After 100 years of sheltering souls, the Pink was willing to embrace and shelter Ter and me (and we were badly wounded, but that’s another story).

If any ghosts live here, they are contented ones. It’s not a tormented, haunted house. It’s not a sick and neglected house. It’s not even the oldest house we’ve called home – but it is easily the most benevolent and tranquil house, and we are immeasurably grateful that it found us.

Happy 100th, old girl. Long may ye reign.


  1. Every single thing about this entry made me happy. I hope I someday get to visit.

    Happy 100th!

  2. We've signed on for another year at least, Bean, so I'm hopin'!
