Tuesday 18 March 2014

Food Porn 4 - Drop Cookies

anyone for white chocolate/cranberry?
We had white chocolate left over from Christmas and I needed new tea treats, so Ter suggested substituting gluten-free flour for AP in our favourite cookie recipe. Recalling lessons from our first GF attempt, we mixed up the batter, dropped it by tiny teaspoons eight to a sheet pan, baked them for 12 minutes exactly and OMG did they turn out well!!!

Thin, crispy, buttery, sweet—YUM! I like crispy cookies and these guys donʼt flag for a second. They freeze well, dunk well, heck, they act just like regular cookies unless you like them chewy … but we put enough white chocolate in ours that when it melted it got kind of chewy, so win-win!

I fear in the long run this diet will prove that you can be gluten-free and still put on weight.


  1. I'm sitting here staring at these cookies and got such a sweet tooth I broke out the box of emergency granola bars in my desk drawer.

    1. Hmmm ... might have to see how well these babies travel ...

    2. Today I ate chips. I am the Devil.
