Wednesday 26 March 2014

Happy Anniversary!

Comfortable Rebellion is a year old today. Ordinarily, I’d do a rejig to get it back on track, but it seems to be evolving in line with my original intention, which was to have it evolve in line with me. I set out to write about writing, about process and creativity, and to share some of my work. I also meant to write about Stuff in a positive and encouraging way. I aimed to make a warm, safe place online where you could drop by for a cup of tea and a story, perhaps for a bit of lively debate or a review of what I’m reading/watching/listening to in hope that you’ll be inspired to try it yourself.

There’s a lot of me in this blog simply because I only have my own experience from which to draw. Where possible, I’ve related items culled from other sources (admittedly peppered with Ru-isms), mixed with family history, philosophical concepts, sport scores, and the occasional WTF??? During the course of CR’s first year, I have written two lengthy short stories, a few really short stories, revised some existing works, and am still hacking away at the novel. If I ever suspected that blogging was cutting into my writing time, looking at the post count kinda makes me look whiny(er). In truth, this past year has been an adventure in creativity, in finding ways to put a positive spin on life’s little negatives (though I’m still unconvinced that gum surgery was necessary for my spiritual development) and, as an unforeseen bonus, in inspiring my siblings and sire to start Google accounts! I didn’t intend on writing for an audience, but since I have one … thank you all for coming by. You have helped to keep me writing.

Gluten-free birthday cake, anyone?


  1. Happy Anniversary........thank you for the many uplifting and thought provoking entries, and the occasional "blast from the past"!!
    Love Ya Sissy.........

    1. Thanks for providing me with material, wee 'un!

      I looooove yoooooooou tooooooo!!!!

  2. Happy anniversary!! I will happily take a slice of the GF cake to tide me over until this hellish weather bomb of a storm passes. It'll go nicely with a browse through your years worth of posts. <3
