Monday 31 March 2014

Present Moment

I watched a guy on a street corner the other day. He got there as the “don’t walk” signal kicked in and while I thought he’d go for it anyway, he hesitated. In that brief pause, he missed his opportunity. The light turned red and north/south traffic began to flow. He stood for a sec, visibly twitching, then pivoted on his heel to cross in front of my car. Again, he waited too long and the light changed. Spinning, he was away like a thoroughbred at the races, but having observed his agitated behaviour, I thought, Are you kidding? You can’t wait for two minutes at a traffic light? What-is-the-big-rush?

Same goes for the driver of the big a** truck who changed lanes three times to reach the intersection no further ahead of me because the traffic was literally bumper-to-bumper—and this on a Saturday afternoon when you have to know that it’s gonna be nuts out there. But really, the pedestrian seeking the quickest way across the street puzzled me more. Admittedly, I get miffed if my rhythm is stalled by a mistimed crossing signal, but you know what? It’s fun to stand still for a minute and watch the world zoom by. It pulls me from mindless chaos to mindful presence. At least, with practice, I hope it will.

I learned a wonderful meditation last week, courtesy of Ter’s current philosophical mentor, the marvelously tranquil Thich Nhat Hanh. It’s short and simple, so I’ve remembered and am applying it when required:

(breathe in) Calm
(breathe out) Smile
(breathe in) Present Moment
(breathe out) Wonderful Moment

I can’t meditate in front of a candle—I fall asleep—but I can do it on a street corner. Whenever I feel myself taking off into orbit, I can slow myself down and proceed more peacefully.

Sometimes. Not always. But I’m getting there.


  1. This is a perfect application for me to take with me this week as all of the accounting I just learned at work and am COMFORTABLE with is changing - tomorrow. I think I may have to print this out and glue it to my face.

    1. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *wipes tears from eyes* Oh, Nic, I feel your pain; you'd think you work for government, the headaches are so similar :(

    2. If you thought I was stressed out before, you should see me now. Hence my lack of creativity, card tag and lateness on my thoughts on your alternate ending for the story. After careful consideration, I am going to stand tall for your original ending. Both I like, but I do think the first is my favorite.

    3. Mmmmmmm ... I apppreciate your preference, but I wrote the alternate because I was unhappy with the first ending, so I'm going with the second version. It gave me more closure and just "felt" better.

      Hey, be strong, little Beanie - your creative spirit will overcome! Mine's been fighting to survive these past few weeks: year end and a new contract model for our mediators in April have combined to put me in frikking orbit. I am reminded of Captain Jack Sparrow's famous quote: "Where's that monkey? I want to shoot something!"
