Tuesday 1 April 2014

Pretty Maids

A girl needn’t be a bride to walk beneath a floral canopy in April. A wedding gown would only clash with the lacy froth adorning the trees along the street—garbed in spring finery, they preen in the sun like pretty maids all in a row.

Don’t get me wrong. I love winter. I love stodgy food, long nights, hockey season, Christmas lights and copious cups of sweet milky black tea; however, by the time spring rolls around, I am ready for the break. Though much of the country is still buried in snow while Victoria is counting flowers in February, I never feel like we’re completely free of winter until April arrives. The winter theme on the blog has needed updating, but I had to wait for sun to coax the trees into bloom. They exploded practically overnight! So last weekend, I took the Canon on a photographic flânerie and was captivated by the apple blossoms bursting on most every branch. They look like they’re covered in whipped cream and the fragrance is nothing short of intoxicating.

The effect won’t last long. April tends to bring gusty winds and sideways showers, often while the sun beams between the cotton clouds, so within a few weeks, pink-and-white snow will collect on the street and be sprinkled over fresh-cut lawns—but that just makes the brief spell of candy-scented glory all the more precious.


  1. I would give anything for a Victoria spring. We're hunkered down waiting the second nor'easter in a week. The first shut the entire city down completely, buses and all and the storm today has the streets and sidewalks covered in ice, slush and massive puddles. It's a mess. It doesn't help that the wind is blowing sideways. No wonder my hair is thinning! Geez. I'm longing for some sun.

    1. I cringe when I watch the national forecast and see all hell coming your way down east. The only positive thing I can say is I'll treasure the Victoria spring for both of us.

    2. My arm died. There was a funeral. Death by shovel.

    3. Not your write arm, I hope!
