Friday 4 April 2014

Jocund Day

No misty mountaintops, though – I was lucky to get sun shining on the clouds obscuring them this morning. All week, sunlight on the snowy Olympics has been stunning at 7:30 a.m., but wouldn’t you know, the one morning when I’m not leaving for work … However, sun on cloud can be as stunning, and my day is still a jocund one.

Mostly because it’s a day off (woo hoo) and while sipping my morning tea, I was slam-dunked by a story idea so exciting that I forgot to brew Ter’s second cup. The original plan to contemplate my novel while reverently dusting the furniture morphed into a crazed dust-bunny-bashing session punctuated by blazing bits of witty dialogue, vivid imagery and general creative mayhem. It’s a perfect storm: a good title, a familiar character who fits my new peaches-and-cream tea, David Usher providing musical motivation, and a full day in which to unleash the first draft. Naturally, there are lurking pitfalls but I am determined to make the absolute most of my time today.

On the heels of a crazy-busy fortnight at work, this weekend is merely busy so not much time for writing: three hours in the chair with my hairdresser tomorrow, plus shopping with Ter and afternoon wet-sock-sorting;  a coffee date with friends on Sunday morning; an open house both days for the downstairs condo (Ter cheekily suggested that she wear one of her Def Leppard t-shirts and I wear my Flyers jersey to impress potential buyers); and perhaps the most thrilling of all … Game of Thrones season 4 starts on Sunday night!!!

Life is good.


  1. Three hours at the hairdressers?????? Sorry......had to ask.........

    1. Geez, kid, do you think it's easy looking this good all the time???

  2. It's rainy and windy here AGAIN today. I have just blogged while listening to ECMA radio, it's a big music weekend on the East Coast. I also just bought tickets for The Trews bCD release party in May and brewed something sweet. After the brutal work week crunching numbers, I am content in my jammies with my songs playing and my heart open and my shoulders relaxed.

    You're as excited for Game of Thrones as I am for Mad Men coming this month tooo!

    1. Days off are sooooooooooo precious, aren't they? Alas, if we were following our bliss, we wouldn't need them.
