Wednesday 2 April 2014


It hangs on the clouds at the edge of the world: a town called Nightfall, where the houses have brick roofs and thatched walls, with corkscrew windows and mullioned stairs. No one will find it who doesn’t know where it is, and no one who lives there ever wants to leave. In daylight, nothing makes much sense, but when the locals of Nightfall close their eyes, they are not going to sleep.
They are waking up.

* * *

Another extremely short writing exercise. “Nightfall” is one of my favourite words. It evokes both the mist and mystery that defines my brand of romance. The imagery came to me before I fell asleep the other night and the picture was taken on a particularly odd-weather day last fall. This piece asks a question that has plagued me for some years: when you close your eyes at the end of the day, are you going to sleep or are you waking up?

The townsfolk of Nightfall have the answer.


  1. Interesting concept.......out of your slightly shaky brain!
    Similarly, there is a theory that as we live here, we are actually at work. And when we "die", we are on holiday or vacation, to prepare ourselves for the next work party.
    What do you think?
    Keep on truckin" Babe.

    1. I support that theory wholeheartedly, Dad, given that this mortality gig is no picnic. It lends credence to the notion of past/future lives, and that we are here to learn whatever we thought we needed to learn before we got here. My fear is that, like a trip to the drugstore for lightbulbs, I'll get "home" with everything but what I came to get and have to go out again :(

      I hope I'm awake right now, because surely I can dream more interesting things than a government job ...

  2. I vote for a fully fleshed out story in this town. PLEASE!

    1. Duly noted, Bean. I'll add it to the pile of pending works of genius, lol.
