Saturday 28 September 2013

A New Look

Whenever my wee sister got bored, she would rearrange the furniture in her bedroom. I’d open the door and immediately be lost. The bed would be here, the chest of drawers there, and she’d be standing at the window, wondering if the bookshelf would fit beneath it. Just as I got used to the arrangement, it would change again. I was amazed at how many options she discovered for placing a twin bed in a 10 x 12 square room. She found more than four, she was that clever.

Yet no matter what the layout, it was always her room. It felt like her, smelled of the incense she burned, reflected her essence in the dog calendar on the wall, the Stephen King paperback on the bedside table, and the jacket hung on the closet doorknob.

I don’t move furniture around, but my preferences change with the season. Now that fall is here, I drink sweet creamy black tea, wear slippers instead of bare feet, and want the house to smell of cinnamon and apples. It’s a good time to change up the setting at Comfortable Rebellion, too, but while the colours change and a new photo reigns, the spirit remains the same: creativity, philosophizing, and with the NHL season about to begin, the occasional rant against the referees. A blanket is recommended for sitting on the verandah, but the welcome is warmer than ever.

Bundle up and stay a while.


  1. It's so funny you changed your blog's look. I've been thinking of doing it too. I think it looks so lovely up in here! I may need to play around with mine now.

    *bundles up and stays awhie*

  2. Visits from yours truly are usually squeezed between meetings, alarm bells and phone calls so I can't stay as long as I'd like, sometimes. Nonetheless, I always feel the welcoming vibes. Nice place you have here, Sweetie! :-)

  3. People like you guys would be welcome anytime, anywhere, DNA notwithstanding. I'm glad y'all like the atmos :)
