Wednesday 11 September 2013

Chai du Jour

3.5 of 5

Moka House this morning, strategically located across from the Starbucks in the village. They don’t do a chocolate chai, so I sprinkled chocolate powder on top of a regular chai and proceeded to sip and scribble. They brew it from Mighty Leaf tea but they foam it up thick and creamy, so compared to Bucky’s and Teavana, I give it a 3.5. Tomorrow I’ll see how Serious Coffeeʼs stacks up against the competition. 

While I was sipping, I made notes galore about the angelsʼ realm. I had a blazing revelation yesterday and, as usual, nothing is as I suspect. I had to handwrite it, though, before I forget anything important. This story has got me in a bit of a tizzy given that a) itʼs coming out of sequence, which wrecks my neatly ordered method of starting at the start and writing through to the end, and b) the realm with which I am dealing is wilder than I imagined it would be. Not that I had much to go on before I began; angels donʼt get a lot of air time in Sunday school. Aside from delivering the occasional heavenly message or dropping off a set of golden plates for translation, they were pretty much left unaddressed … which frees me to write what my characters describe. All my children are interesting, but I am developing a special fondness for Shade. He is literally caught between two worlds and has been a party to this one long enough to become fearful of an inevitable outcome, yet his heart drives him toward Cristal in spite of it. I donʼt yet know what the point of the story will be, but I found this scrawled in my notes and it seems to capture the essence of the piece: 

They cannot be together
but they must be together
because they are lovers
from the dawn
of time


  1. I am writing out of sequence too. I am envious of your cafe hoping and your scribbles. This week has been a bust aside from that one prolific writing session and one writing prompt. My story has also gone in a totally different direction since it's germ stage. I love how a story breaks open.

    Want chai.

    1. LOL! Nic, you're cracking me up ... I curse you as well, for I fear I'm tapping into your harem-scarem style of writing prose and I'm unsure that I like it. You'd think a speed freak would appreciate the wild ride, but yikes. I feel like I'm running in the dark. I don't want to hit a tree!

    2. I've hit PLENTY of trees, I have the splinter scars to prove it! Sheesh!

    3. I get that. Scars are good for the end product, but acquiring them does tend to stall your momentum.
