Thursday 12 September 2013


Seriously No Sprinkles

As per usual, the breakthrough with the new story happened 12 days into my holiday. I’ve written two false starts, thirty pages of backstory and a bunch of notes (unheard of for me) and finally, finally, yesterday I got traction. I still don’t know how it will go or where it will end, but it’s going and at last I am in a space where I’m able to go with it.

Same thing happened last May, with Jake. This one in no way will be finished before I return to work, but now it has teeth.


My third chai latte comes from Serious Coffee, two blocks down from the Cook Street Starbucks. The shop’s on a par with Moka House in that it is also locally owned and the chai is equally as good as yesterday’s … sans sprinkles. That’s the one (trivial) complaint about Serious Coffee, a chronic condition that has led to us code-naming the place “No Sprinkles”. If I was truly serious about coffee, doubtless sprinkles would be frowned upon anyway. Their chai is foamier than Moka House’s and it cost .50 cents less than yesterday’s, which cost less than Bucky’s, so Serious Coffee is the better deal for a comparable chai ... if you don't care about sprinkles.

I also noticed while awaiting my drink that they have poetry/prose readings and open mic on the third Monday of each month. I know what Nicole would say: “Ru, check it out!” I just may do – coincidentally, the next session is this Monday at 7:15. Come early, get a drink and hang out in the back corner to see what evolves. I’ve got the email address at least; I’ll get on their mailing list for sure.

In other news, a nearly-100 year old message in a bottle was found on the beach in Tofino this week. It took almost a century to bob its way up from the San Francisco/Seattle shipping route (it probably came by way of Australia). The year is 1906 as seen through the glass, and the ship’s name and location was named, so research is in progress by the fellow who found it. I mention it mostly because Ter glanced at me and wryly quoted her own message to be discovered in 2113:

“September 2013 – Roberto Luongo is still a Vancouver Canuck!”

Bwahahahahahaha! A little hockey humour to warm us up for the 2013/14 NHL season, the exhibition series of which begins on Monday.

It’s been a long summer.


  1. Ru, check it out! I IMPLORE you. Your fellow writers NEED your ears and maybe you'll drum up a bit of nerve to read something yourself. It break the world wide open, I promise.

    Dang. Still want chai.

    1. Yeah, I thought you'd say something like that. I want to do it and am already drumming up a million excuses not to ... first day back at work, first exhibition hockey game maybe on TV, too tired, too late, it's raining, yaddayaddayadda ...

      But if I really want to do it, it should take irrevocable precedence, right? Will strongly consider over the weekend.
