Friday 13 September 2013

Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise September 13. 2013
Ter sent me out last night to take pictures of the sunset (which I did) and since today is my last day of these holidays, it seemed an appropriate subject for the final daily post here at the Rebellion.
'Course, I had to take a couple of pics of the sunrise to go with it. Shooting into the sun can be a bit tricky, though - I really like this one, but the angle makes it look like it was taken from a rocking boat and the sun itself didn't make it wholly into the frame:
The mist created a neat effect, eh? Talk about shooting through a filter.
Last night's sunset was far more generous. It let me play with a few more camera settings:
 Automatic setting - the Canon did the work

vibrant blues
vibrant colours, period

toy camera (good for portraits, too)
This morning, I have plans to continue with Shade - he took me on an unexpected trip yesterday and I want to see how it ends before I quit for the nonce. I normally write for 2.5 days straight before needing a break; by the second half of the third day, my brain is too tired to create properly, so this afternoon, I shall hie myself to the village to collect my allowance (it's payday, yay!!), hit the g/f bakery and get some more of that really good veggie rice pasta Ter cooked up the other night, then maybe treat myself not to a chai, but to a frozen yogurt at the newly-opened Qoola shop. I can sit outside and scribble a card tag to Nicole. It's a nice, late summer day. I must take advantage of it. Writing is so absorbing that the world will pass me by if I don't pull out of my own head once in a while.

I'm happy with what I have accomplished, though. Big strides with the angels, growing affection for my protagonist, lots of Ru time, and much fun pointing my loose Canon. So, on that cheery note, the sun sets on my writing holiday:

Going once...
going twice ...
going ...
... going ...

With love,


  1. Breathtaking photos. I do love me a good sunset.

    1. I was lucky with this one - subsequent evenings were dark and rainy.
