Friday 20 September 2013

Full Moon Follies

Moonrise September 19, 2013

Every time things go pear-shaped, I check the calendar to discover that the moon is invariably full. This week was no exception. It culminated on Wednesday, when my world seemed so dark and distorted that I almost closed my office door to isolate myself from potential murder victims.

I got through the day by telling myself that the day was neither longer nor shorter than any other day and it too would pass. That said, I retired to bed at 8:00 with a massive headache and hope for a better tomorrow.

It worked. I woke feeling more stable, had a pretty good day yesterday, and when the sun went down, an opportunity to try some night shots with the Canon appeared in the swollen form of September’s full moon:

Playing with the camera settings to get these shots was fun, but truly, the best pictures were seen with the naked eye.
Today is my day off – gee, wonder if that had anything to do with my mood improving?? – and the moon is on the wane. The sunrise this morning was glorious, blue sky streaked with cotton candy ribbons and melting gold light pouring through the Ocean Room windows. No photos; I was still in my jammies while Ter got ready for work.

I plan to work with Shade some more, but I’m a little intimidated by an unforeseen twist in his story. It revealed itself this week and while it appears plausible, my job is to make it so. The trouble is that I know about it, but he doesn’t. Keeping the character ignorant for the duration is tricky because I can’t let it leak into the narration. It’s like discovering a shattering secret, dying to tell everyone, but being unable to tell anyone. My left brain has seized on the secrecy factor and is screwing with my creative function as a result: You can’t write that or That won’t work or What’s on HBO this morning?

Well, the best defence is a good offense, so I’d better go get offensive.

Happy Friday!

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