Wednesday 25 June 2014

Carpe Diem F/U

Yeeeeaaahhhh … speaking as my own lab rat, that neutral space between sleeping and waking has proven more elusive on workdays. The alarm has woken me every day this week, firing me straight into a mood that gets momentum before I realize I’m caught in it. And stopping that momentum is like grabbing a handful of smoke. It’s really hard.

It would be easier—or unnecessary—if I was doing what I love on a daily basis. Following one’s bliss tends to make for a cheery awakening, not to mention negating the need for an alarm clock. And work has been particularly stressful for a bunch of reasons, none of which warrant attention here. I’m through the worst of it with a five-day weekend on the horizon—including the Heart “tribute to Led Zeppelin” concert on Sunday night, woo hoo—so the point of this post is mostly to demonstrate that each philosophy I try to embrace can (and often will) slip like a greased porker from my grasp. However, I do not give up. The reset button on that neutral space is better pressed first thing in the morning, but it’s not about maintaining the positive vibe from dawn ’til dusk. It’s about maintaining it for as long as you can. Be it a day, half a day, or an hour, every positive thought you can think does more good in the world than you imagine. Momentum is merely a bonus.

So, if you can’t carpe the diem, try carping the momento. It’s worth every breath until it’s gone, and the beauty is, you can always start over in the morning.

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