Friday 27 June 2014

“The King’s Man” (Preface)

The story starting tomorrow was written during my vacation a couple of weeks ago—since I wrote about its evolution over four days, it’s only fair to give it air time now that it’s finished.

It’s set in Imperial Russia, but the characters and the royal family name are absolutely fictitious. Historic accuracy is becoming an oxymoron as modern day writers seek to create something new where everything has been done. I wasn’t trying to be historically accurate here, because the story isn’t about Russian history. It’s about people. Not vampires, not angels, not warrior magicians. People. Okay, rich people (mostly), but fragile mortals all the same. I’ve kept the working title despite using the word “Tsar” in the text; the same goes for Viktor’s position within the family. He is very much the King’s Man.

I can overwork a piece to death and I want this one to remain as fresh and raw as it was written. It’s a tale of love, loss, and loyalty. None of those virtues need much airbrushing.


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