Tuesday 24 June 2014

The Flâneur Society’s Guide to Getting Lost

Wear comfortable shoes.

Remember your house keys.

Bring your limo pass in case you wander so far afield that you’d welcome a ride home.

Put a fiver in your pocket so you can buy a drink should you find yourself near a café.

Have no direction in mind.

Give yourself no time limit.

Start walking.

How easy is that?


  1. I did exactly this yesterday. My first day off this year. It was delightful. I even left my gym bag home. I took my writing, my lust for adventure and of course even got in a bit of Ru/Ter time. Watch your mailman!

  2. I'm ahead of you there, Beanie: I don't even own a gym bag!

    I shall watch John (the mailman) with unnerving - to him - anticipation.
