Wednesday 4 June 2014

Chocolate Meditation

There are meditations for walking. There are meditations for driving. There are bedtime meditations, sunrise meditations, green tea meditations, cooking meditations, eating meditations, standing-in-line meditations, and even elevator meditations. There seems to be a meditation for every moment of every hour of every day, each designed to keep us focused on the present, to help us with intention and to further the quest for inner peace.

I have yet to happen on a meditation for chocolate, but I may have discovered why. Chocolate doesn’t need one. By its very nature, chocolate can stall time in its tracks.

Pop a piece of your favourite flavour and feel your cares melt away with the cocoa butter in your mouth. Inhale the sweet perfume as it rises from the back of your tongue. Lose yourself in the pure, unadulterated pleasure of becoming one with the gods who created this bliss. The real world fades into the wallpaper if the chocolate is properly enjoyed, and you emerge from the moment calmer and more serene than you were before it began.

(Breathe in) I smell heaven.
(Breathe out) I taste heaven.
(Breathe in) I feel heaven.
(Breathe out) I know heaven.

Once the clock resumes ticking, I guarantee you’ll be less stressed about it. So perhaps there’s a chocolate meditation after all.