Friday 20 March 2015

“Katie” (Preface)

Another gem from the archive starts tomorrow. It was written in 1999, inspired by a Tragically Hip song titled “Locked in the Trunk of a Car”. What an odd title, and not being a Hip fan, to this day I have no idea what it means, but at the time, I took it literally. I also knew someone who owned an 1950s Buick, a big boxy monstrosity with tons o’ room in the boot. And, perhaps a little frustrated by the rudeness of other drivers, I entertained a twisted fantasy about road rage. With all that in mind, a voice began to murmur in my head and Katie’s story emerged.

It’s a little dark (big surprise), but it ends with hope. There is kindness of a sort, and love to a degree. I like this one because I liked Katie. She stayed long enough to give me this tale of her experience, then drifted off with no forwarding address. As for her unlikely saviour, this was one of my first “real time” encounters with a character who some perceive as a villain, but every villain has a heroic moment and this moment was his.



  1. I am SO excited to get home from running around before the big rainstorm starts so I can dig into this new story! You know I'm a big Hip fan (come on April 11th!!) so this intrigues me a thousand times over.

    ::jumps up and down::

    1. I'm not sure how "Hip" the story is, Nic; the song title was what struck and stayed. Your take on the end result will be most welcome!
