Monday 23 March 2015

The Terrible Twos

Happy birthday, blog! You and I have survived two years together and it’s been a ride. Mostly fun, sometimes frustrating, very much a learning experience, and I’m glad I started it all those months ago. Here’s to a third year (or more) of fiction, philosophy and Ru-minating!

But wait, there’s more!

Now Comfortable Rebellion has a sibling on the horizon—the “Ruth R Greig: Author” Facebook page. Still under construction as I try to make the application do my bidding, it’s a sign that I am serious about making this writing gig pay. Social media is a good way to start; I’ve heard too many people say that publishing deals these days come only if an author already has a following. Of course, I have to build that following, but Dr. King said you needn’t see the whole staircase; you just have to take the first step. Trust has figured prominently in my vibe of late, so, in the words of Yosemite Sam, I’m a-takin’ it.

Onward, little blog; go forth Author page!

Oh, geez, what’s next? A Twitter account???


  1. What the blazes!? Two years already! This 'rebellion' is my safe haven. I LOVE it here. Thank you for all of your inspiring ru-minations! All I needed to know I learned at the Comfortable Rebellion!

    ::throws confetti::

    1. Thanks, Bean. You are responsible for this Rebellion and I couldn't be more grateful for it.
