Wednesday 11 March 2015

Watchin’ the World Go By

Sipping chai tea and listening to Tears for Fears at the local coffee house, I watch the Douglas Street buses performing their cumbersome ballet. The “walk” sign at the intersection flashes to the beat of Everybody Wants to Rule the World. People come and go—skirts and suits from the office tower across the courtyard, stopping for coffee to get them through another afternoon of meetings; students on spring break, dropping in for iced hot chocolate with extra whipped cream; a busker juggling his trumpet case with a cup of dark roast. It’s supposed to be raining but the sun has broken through to spill across the page as I scribble the imagery in bright green ink. Upstairs, a pile of year-end panic awaits my return, but now it’s Woman in Chains and Roland Orzabal’s voice is as deep and rich as the house coffee and I cannot tear myself away. Even the guys behind the counter are humming along with the melody.

It’s quiet in here but steady outside. No tourists yet (well, maybe one or two), so the city belongs to the locals for a few more weeks.

I want to ask why they’re playing one of my favourite 80’s bands on a day when I need no incentive to dawdle. Instead, I’ll stay to hear what song is next, then I’ll go back to work.



  1. Replies
    1. "Head Over Heels" - fortunately, one of my least favourites, else I'd prolly still be sitting there.
