Friday 27 March 2015

Mature Content

Google has made available a “mature content” setting for bloggers who post on their server. I noticed the prompt on my dashboard one day, with further information indicating that, if Google gets any complaints about graphic content, the company will automatically flip the switch on the site. If enough complaints are received, Google may then shut down the site. It seems a step in the right direction, of the big cahunas on the internet attempting to regulate themselves before the government intervenes, and I’m fine with that. I just wonder how they define “graphic content”.

I’m all for censoring myself—I do that before I hit the “publish” button on a post. Then I promptly contradict myself by stating a firm belief in the artist’s right to express him/herself in whatever form he/she chooses. But then the question arises: What is art? And I admit, I’m a little confused about my own work.

I don’t write porn … I don’t think. I dunno; maybe some folks would say that I do. It depends on the setting, the situation, the characters and the relationship. I try to be tasteful about any physical intimacy—even the rough stuff—and if you write about vampires and warriors, at some point you’ll be writing scenes of blood and violence. The skill involved in writing fiction through a filter is no small thing. I do my best, with some success, might I add, but in the end, it’s a little scary to know that my opinion of my work may matter less than that of a reader who has issues.

I considered whether or not to flip the switch and have the site automatically warn visitors that mature content awaits. At this point, I’ve decided against censoring myself that severely. My intention is always good, to send out a positive vibe, tell a compelling story, share a laugh or rant about my hockey team, but as for graphic content residing on this blog, I really must protest.

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