Friday 30 August 2013

Greys of Shade

There’s a change in plan with the angels. I may have been wrong in accepting that Cristal was going to tell the story. It started out okay with her narrating, but somewhere along the line it went sideways and I’ve been unable to get it back on track. I hate when this happens. Not only is it a confidence-rattler, it’s frustrating as heck and only serves to stress me out. Seeking a fix has made my head hurt. I’ve driven Ter as nuts with it as I’ve driven myself. I set it aside for a weekend (but couldn’t stop fretting about it), and came thissssss close to bagging the project entirely … especially when another voice popped up with another story, shoot me now … but a possibility occurred to me on the walk home last night and now I’m pumped again. 

I’m going to switch the perspective to tell the story through Shade. Ironic, considering that he introduced the concept in the first place, and proof that one should follow the initial prompt and not over-think it. Over-thinking will often lead in a willfully wrong direction. 

Anyway, in considering his perspective, I’ve struck a goldmine of information about him, his place in this world, his role in the “other” world, and how he fits into Cristal’s world. I’m seeing dimensions to his character that I couldn’t grasp in hers. I’m intrigued, if not yet in love, and it’s looking like fun again. 

Soooo, after taking this long weekend off to celebrate my birthday, I’m on vacation for two weeks. A writing holiday? You better you bet.

1 comment:

  1. I envy your two week holiday AND your newfound perspective with the Angels. I have Tuesday and Wednesday off this week after the long weekend so it's a 5 day stretch. I am hoping after today's artist date and tomorrow's errands I can spend the rest of the time writing. That is my goal.
