Friday 23 August 2013

Live From the Ocean Room ...

… it’s Friday morning! And a gorgeous one it is, too, given that I spent most of Wednesday night and yesterday laid flat with the worst migraine I’ve endured since May the 8th. There is nothing like 24 hours of pounding, nauseous darkness to make you grateful for a new day. Ironically, the headache struck just as “Glutenous Maximus” went up and the day after I’d been happily telling the gang at work how they’ve pretty well ceased since I went gluten-free. Less is truly more, however; rare as they’ve become, the severity has been shocking in its intensity. Ter had to type my email to the office yesterday because I couldn’t even sit up without wanting to barf – I lay curled on the sofa with my eyes closed while she wrote on my behalf. She’s the best friend in the world.

But enough of that. The headache is pretty much gone, I’m on a legitimate day off and I have plans to write. I intended to tackle the angels once more because I’ve been struggling with them; the story is coming so slowly that I have fallen into the trap of second-guessing every scene and have therefore rewritten the most recent one at least three times. I don’t know what the problem is. Could be that it’s a new world and I have no idea what I’m doing with it, but I suspect it’s more (or less) than that. I’ve simply been unable to immerse myself in the story. Starting something new takes real commitment and I’ve just not been there. I watched a cool documentary about Agatha Christie a few weeks back. She`s a great source for writerly quotes and this one stayed with me:

All a writer needs is chair, a table, a typewriter and some peace.

Without complaining, the peace part is missing. I live in a world full of distractions that prove particularly tempting when Im embarking on a brand new project. So, when contemplating what I would attack today, Ter suggested that I let go of the struggle and write whatever the heck I want. I thought I wanted to write the angels, but what I really want is a cup of Persian apple tea and that was my first hint. The hopeless knot in the novel has managed to unravel itself and the story has regained traction, so back to Castasia go I. And today Im happy to be there.

And here.


  1. That quote is SO important to me. Ever since you shared it, I think of it every single time I sit down to write something.

    I'm happy your headache has subsided and I identify with those distractions. I didn't get ANY writing done today, my day off, I'm disappointed but I WILL press on.

    AND, Ter is SO wonderful. You are a lucky duck!

    1. I'm lucky for so many reasons, Nic :) Ter is excellent for morale, though - she'll be the first to tell you not to me disappointed at getting nothing written. It just wasn't meant to happen. Sometimes a day spent in idle flanerie proves more productive down the road.

    2. Augh! Typo AGAIN! I meant "not to BE disappointed." Sheesh.
