Friday 16 August 2013


My stories tend to run long, but the solution to posting them came to me last week. Serial fiction!! Hey, they do it in magazines and newspapers, so why not do it on a blog? 

Some years ago, I participated in writing a rotating story. That’s when a bunch of people get together, someone begins a story, then hands it to the next person, who writes a scene, then hands it to the next person, who writes the next scene and hands it to the next person who writes ... you get the idea. It was great fun and a little frustrating because three of the four were serious and the fourth was, meh, not so much. It died an early death, the group broke up, and I wish I’d kept the manuscript because I could have done something with it myself. 

The concept stayed with me, though, and a few years later as an exercise, I started writing my own rotating story. How does one person write a rotating story? I committed to writing a new scene every day with no idea where the story was going. It was just an exercise, and as occurs with most of my exercise plans, I quit after a few weeks. But this time, I kept the manuscript. 

Flash forward to January 2012. A friend introduces me to the music of Matthew Schoening and the rotating story bursts back into consciousness. I quickly finished it ... and starting this Saturday, in weekly installments, I will post it here. 

By the time it’s over, I hope another one will be ready to go ...


  1. Yeeeaaaaahhhhh ... you've already read it, Bean. Hint, though: no vampires :)

    1. I still look forward to seeing it here in installments. So kewl!
