Thursday 16 January 2014

Not My Bliss

My guru hero from "Kung Fu Panda" - Master Shifu

How’s that acceptance gig going, Ru?

Er … well …

2.5 hours into my Monday and I’m yelling at a co-worker: “Do you know how many New Year’s resolutions I’ve broken since I got here? Including the one about not yelling at you anymore!”

I like my job; really, I do. I like the people I work with, truly. I’m part of a supportive, cooperative, dedicated, talented group of adults who get important things done despite the powers that be, and I’m proud to be counted among them.

But this is not my bliss. I spent my vacation living life at my own speed in my own environment with my own peeps. After the holiday hoopla was over, I found a rhythm that matched Nature’s daily cycle. I was productive, I was happy, I was … okay, serene will never apply, but I was pretty darned close to experiencing ongoing inner peace. I actually felt able to re-enter my office world and not lose my cool.


Extenuating circumstances? Maybe. Full moon follies? Sure. Fourth quarter crazies? As usual. Then Ter mentioned the pendulum swing. She and I both wanted to slit our wrists after two days back at work. The third was the tipping point. We were tired at the end of it, but we were also more optimistic about surviving the rest of the week. We’ll make it ʼcause we always do. Humans are nothing if not adaptable, and much as I hate, loathe and despise waking up before I’m ready, I am finding my rhythm again.

Acceptance is next.


  1. On the subject of bliss, I am commenting to this blog post at Starbucks, ONLINE, ON MY LAPTOP!! So grateful.
