Wednesday 10 April 2013

"Bear Necessities"

Front L to R: Joe, Burl, Baby and Elliot
Back L to R: Rufus, Pumpkin, Gorden, Spirit Bear

The bears all wanted hugs this morning. Usually, they’re pretty good about getting up to play while I get ready for work, but today Rufus wouldn’t let me go. He’s the senior bear and a bit of a drama queen, so I had to stop and placate him. Burl is the loudest, and once he saw Rufie getting extra affection, he demanded to be next. Naturally, everyone else got in line and the world paused in its orbit while I doled out the cuddles.

I don’t know what started the fuss. Maybe it was the rain. Bears are sensitive to the weather. They get upset when the energy isn’t right, and it’s been a little grim around here the past few days.

It made me late for work, but I left a happier group at home. Strangely, I felt better, too.

Maybe they knew something I didn’t.

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