Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Story of a Story

Okay, enough Ru-minating. Time to put up some fiction.

If you know my vampires—which few people do, since those stories have not yet been published—you will be familiar with Génie. She’s the one who turned Julian Scott-Tyler in hope of making her mortal lover into her eternal lover. He paints her as a scheming vixen or a ruthless predator, but he only knows what he knows, you know? She is, in fact, a vastly complex character with a story of her own, one that’s apparently too painful for her to recount. Much as I’d love to write it in its entirety, she has so far refused to talk to me about anything that happened to her before she met Julian in 1663.

She surprised me with a little gem called "All Men Are Kings" in 1999, perhaps on discovering that I harbour a deep-rooted passion for England’s Charles II. I’ve loved him for years, maybe even lifetimes – I’m convinced that I was one of his mistresses in a previous life, and have even written the beginnings of a story of a royal affair that may yet see the light of day. Who knows? The fact is that I remain captivated by him and so Génie felt comfortable in sharing this bittersweet piece of her history with me.

I revised it in 2012 and tweaked it for public consumption last weekend. The frustrating thing about writing prose is that the end product may be too long for posting to a blog. Though this one is quite short, I’m giving it its own entry. It deserves to hog the spotlight J


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