Friday 12 April 2013

Hello, Gorgeous!

Lady Gagme, 2010

One of the hardest things you’ll ever do is love yourself. Ironically, it seems the only way you can truly love anyone else is by starting with the face in the mirror. You are the rock that creates the ripples in your world – kindness comes more easily, more sincerely, if you are kind to yourself as well. Love is neither vanity nor conceit. Love is acceptance, respect, and recognition of the beauty in others.

First, you have to acknowledge the beauty in yourself.

About a year ago, Ter told me of an exercise she’d read in one of her spirit books. What she thought/felt about it herself is not for me to say, but I, in typical Ru fashion, decided to test the theory.

All I had to do was look into the mirror, smile, and say, “Hello, Gorgeous!”

A few days later, I was at the bathroom sink and happened to look up. Catching my own eye, I recalled the exercise and thought, Why not? So I leaned close, gazed into my eyes, and purred, “Hello, Gorgeous.”

After I quit laughing (honestly, I cracked myself up), I actually felt better. I felt okay. Happy in my skin. Maybe even a little bit more attractive. So now, once in a while, I’ll tell my reflection that she’s lookin’ gooooood. Sometimes it’s true and sometimes it’s not, but it always lifts my spirits. Laughing surely helps – I’ve not conquered the hilarity impulse – but the residual glow makes me kinder and more loving toward others.

Try it. Tell yourself that you’re beautiful. You might laugh yourself into hiccups, but it will still feel good.

And it will still be true.

1 comment:

  1. Two words: Amen, sister.

    Three words: You ARE beautiful.

    Final thought: Putting this into practice as soon as I go primp for Leonard Cohen. I needed this reminder. xo
