Friday 26 April 2013

"Melancholy Moon"

A nod to the full moon ...

We sat by the lake with warm cups of wine and waited for the moon to rise.

When she peeped over the mountaintops, the game began.

We darted into the wood and hid behind the trees, giggling into our hands as her milky light crept toward our toes. Then it was her turn to hide and she ducked behind a cloud, but the mist was too thin and her light was too bright. We found her right away. I’d have been snippy at being found that fast, but she only smiled her radiant smile and suggested that we visit instead. So we sat by the lake with warm cups of wine and conversed with the moon.

The night sky is cold and lonely. Maybe she just wanted the company.

copyright 2013 Ruth R. Greig

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