Tuesday 9 April 2013

Bluesy Tuesday

If ever a day was meant to be Monday, it’s Tuesday.

Far enough in that Sunday is a memory and far enough out to put Saturday beyond reach, it sits like Saskatchewan in the middle of the week, linking east and west and doing little else.

Creatively, it’s the worst day of my week. By evening, everything I wrote is stupid and nothing I write will be worth it. My spirit is sapped and imagining anything but dinner is an effort. Actually, so is imagining dinner. Soup and saltines will do fine, thanks ... unless Ter can imagine something more interesting. Fortunately, she usually does.

That’s just how Tuesday rolls with me.

I know what’s going on here. Righty and Lefty are more evenly matched in their ongoing struggle for dominance on a Tuesday. Neither side has the edge, so my brain is fully stuck in neutral. I’ve known this for ages, yet the solution still eludes me. Rather, an effortless solution eludes me. I know if I put some energy into it, the excitement will come. I’ve got lots of characters and story ideas stashed in my noggin. They just get buried under the workaday humdrumming. Writing about it here may actually be helping.

Or not.



  1. I've been trying so hard this week to get through 'Mute' but work has been hectic and when I'm getting home I have nothing left after exercise and errands. I echo your sigh. xo

  2. It'll get better, Bean. I already feel more alert and creative, and it's only Wednesday!

    Don't push "Mute" - it'll come when it wants to. It's enough that you're thinking about it, even if you can't get to it right now.
