Sunday 14 April 2013

Season 3 (Reprise)

Tonight begins season 3 of The Borgias – another in the long line of period pieces featuring a villain who sets my hormones to howling.
I’ve had it bad for Cesare Borgia since my teens. He was such a compelling historic character that it escaped me how his greatness was not translated to film more often (or more successfully). There was a BBC series in the style of “I, Claudius” (i.e., more dialogue than action) produced some years ago that was okaaaaaaaay … but over the past two years, Neil Jordan and Francois Arnaud have done something I never imagined could be done: they’ve made Cesare a sympathetic character. Sympathetic—and sexy as hell.

Bearing in mind that this series is GoT’s competition for gore, glamour and political machination, it actually holds up pretty well in comparison. The finale of season two was wrenching, so I am in as deep a dither over season 3’s premiere tonight as I was two weeks ago over GoT.  I’m still mad for Jaime Lannister, of course, but now I’ve got Cesare to lust over too.
Oh, those bad boys make me feel so good!

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